This article celebrates one million views of our 3,839 internet pictures of mostly Northern Virginia photographs. Besides delivering an information heavy real estate website, we decided to pursue photographs of homes, communities, historical places, cities, and things-to-do which might interest our visitors and clients. Most pictures have a lot of accompanying information, and are probably part of many high school and college history papers. The titles and number of photographs in each album are listed below in internet links. There is also a slideshow of the 20 most popular images in the 36 albums we have created on Flickr.

The Top 20 Photographs by Popularity

We are always looking to expand our coverage of Northern Virginia photographs. If there are pictures you think we should include in the future, we would like to hear from you. As we travel across the region we’re always looking for images to enhance viewer experience.

Dwayne and Maryanne Moyers
