Fredericksburg Virginia Area Schools
See more information on Falmouth schools from
Elementary Schools
6 Elementary Schools found within 3 miles radius.
School | Type | Grade Level | Enrollment | Students per Teacher |
Childrens House Of Old Town Phone: (540) 373-0093 312 Sophia St, Fredericksburg, VA |
Private, Montessori | PK,K | 6 | 3 |
South Stafford Christian School Phone: (540) 371-5319 15 Pine Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 |
Private | PK,K-10 | 40 | 8 |
Hugh Mercer Elementary School Phone: (540) 372-1115 2100 Cowan Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 |
Public | K-2 | 814 | 18 |
Ferry Farm Baptist Church Preschool/kindergarten Phone: (540) 373-5982 1 Westmoreland Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 |
Private, Early Childhood Program/Day Care Center | PK,K | 12 | 5 |
Ferry Farm Elementary School Phone: (540) 373-7366 20 Pendleton Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 |
Public | PK-5 | 529 | 19 |
Falmouth Elementary School Phone: (540) 373-7458 1000 Forbes St, Falmouth, VA 22405 |
Public | PK-5 | 549 | 17 |
James Monroe High School achieved a 2014 ranking of 1,419 of 19,400 high schools in the United States by U. S News & World Report. The 2014 rank in Virginia is 184th out of 322 high schools. Fredericksburg Virginia area schools rank 86th of 129 public school districts in Virginia.

In 2014, Fredericksburg City Public Schools ranked 86th of 129 Virginia public school districts, James Monroe High School ranked 184th of 322 Virginia public high schools, the student-teacher ratio is 14.3 to 1, and 39% of students receive free or discounted lunches.
See more information on Falmouth schools from
3 Preschool Schools found within 3 miles radius.
School | Type | Grade Level | Enrollment | Students per Teacher |
Childrens House Of Old Town Phone: (540) 373-0093 312 Sophia St, Fredericksburg, VA |
Private, Montessori | PK,K | 6 | 3 |
South Stafford Christian School Phone: (540) 371-5319 15 Pine Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 |
Private | PK,K-10 | 40 | 8 |
Ferry Farm Baptist Church Preschool/kindergarten Phone: (540) 373-5982 1 Westmoreland Dr, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 |
Private, Early Childhood Program/Day Care Center | PK,K | 12 | 5 |
See more information on Falmouth schools from
High Schools
3 High Schools found within 3 miles radius.
School | Type | Grade Level | Enrollment | Students per Teacher |
The Gladys H Oberle School Phone: (540) 372-6710 Po Box 801, Fredericksburg, VA 22404 |
Private, Special Education | 8-12 | 22 | 4 |
James Monroe High School Phone: (540) 372-1100 2300 Washington Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 |
Public | 9-12 | 890 | 17 |
South Stafford Christian School Phone: (540) 371-5319 15 Pine Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 |
Private | PK,K-10 | 40 | 8 |
See more information on Falmouth schools from
Middle Schools
2 Middle Schools found within 3 miles radius.
School | Type | Grade Level | Enrollment | Students per Teacher |
The Gladys H Oberle School Phone: (540) 372-6710 Po Box 801, Fredericksburg, VA 22404 |
Private, Special Education | 8-12 | 22 | 4 |
South Stafford Christian School Phone: (540) 371-5319 15 Pine Rd, Fredericksburg, VA 22405 |
Private | PK,K-10 | 40 | 8 |