Caroline County Schools and Colleges

Public Schools

Caroline County Public Schools ranks 92nd of 129 public school districts in Virginia (2014). Caroline County supports 4 elementary schools, 1 middle school and 1 high school. Bowling Green (3rd through 5th grades), Bowling Green Primary School (Pre-kindergarten – 2nd grade), Lewis and Clark Elementary (Pre-kindergarten through 5th grade), Madison Elementary (Pre-kindergarten through 5th grade).

The statistics listed below are based on 2014 Virginia Standards of Learning scores and ranking of Bowling Green, Lewis and Clark, and Madison elementary schools; Caroline Middle School (6th through 8th grades) and Caroline High School (9th through 12th grades).

Caroline High School is fully accredited with 80% reading proficiency, 73% math proficiency, and 8% participation in advanced placement courses.

Departments of Education at Caroline High School include English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Special Education, Career Technical Education, Diversified Studies, Fine and Performing Arts, Foreign Language, Physical Education.

Bowling Green Elementary School (Bowling Green)

  • 338 students with a 17.7 to 1 student-teacher ratio.
  • Ranks 1,021 of 1,102 Virginia public elementary schools.
  • Test scores are worse than 92.6% of elementary schools in Virginia.
  • 68% of students receive a free/discounted lunch.
  • Status: Accredited with warning.

Lewis and Clark Elementary (Ruther Glen)

  • 839 students with a 21.5 student-teacher ratio.
  • Ranks 266th of 1,102 Virginia public elementary schools.
  • Test scores are better than 76% of elementary schools.
  • 45% of student receive a free/discounted lunch.
  • Status: Fully accredited.

Madison Elementary (Ruther Glen)

  • 562 students with a 23.4 student-teacher ratio.
  • Ranks 615th of 1,102 Virginia public elementary schools.
  • Worse than 55.8% of Virginia public elementary schools.
  • 56% of students receive a free/discounted lunch.
  • Status: Accredited with warning.

Caroline Middle School (Milford)

  • 1,015 students with a 20.2 student-teacher ratio.
  • Ranks 326th of 419 Virginia public middle schools.
  • Worse than 77.8% of Virginia public elementary schools.
  • 50.5% of students receive a free/discounted lunch.
  • Status: Accredited with warning.

Caroline High School (Milford)

  • 1,154 students with a 16 student-teacher ratio.
  • Average standardized test score of 73% compared to 84% statewide.
  • Reading Proficiency: 78% proficient, 20% failed, 2% advanced.
  • Math Proficiency: 66% proficient, 27% failed, 7% advanced.
  • Ranks 278th of 322 Virginia public high schools.
  • Worse than 86.3% of Virginia public high schools.
  • 42.8% of students receive a free/discounted lunch.
  • Status: Fully accredited.

Caroline County offers participation in the Chesapeake Bay Governor’s School for Marine & Environmental Science. Caroline County students have 85% on-time graduation rate, and 75.4% continue their education after high school. Bowling Green Primary School (BGPS) which does not have academic scores, provides art training, special education, Autism specialists, early childhood development, special needs program, computer education, and physical education. The student-teacher ratio at BGPS is 27-1, the highest in Caroline County Public Schools, and 67.6% of students receive free/discounted lunches.

Lewis and Clark Elementary School opened for the 2008-09 school year with 42 classrooms and several specialized classrooms. L&CES serves students from Ladysmith Village and immediate surroundings.

Special instruction and training programs include reading, special education, speech, art, music, physical education, psychology, social work, guidance, English as a second language, gifted courses, and library.

Lewis & Clark Elementary School is on Route 639 two miles west of U. S. Route 1. The school opened in 2008 serving 900 students.There are 42 classrooms, a library, gymnasium, stage, and several specialized classrooms. Lewis & Clark Elementary School students are offered an education through state-of-the-art technology and quality instruction by reading specialists, special education, speech, art, music, physical education, psychology, social work, guidance, ESL, gifted program, and library assets. There are 73 teachers assigned to Pre-kindergarten through 5th grade class instruction.

Private Education
